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Nidec Motors & Actuators develops presence in Małopolska

Nidec Motors & Actuators is the first Japanese company to have invested in Kraków special economic zone. Now it has received a support decision for another development, and declares outlay of at least PLN 165,210,000.
Polish Investment Zone 2019

Nearly 2bn investment and 817 jobs declared on 36 decisions: 2019 balance for Małopolska’s Polish Investment Zone
Prime Minister at KPT

The Kraków Technology Park is exemplary for its capacity to change business environment through investment supported by the state, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said.
Record year for Digital Dragons in Kraków

Digital Dragons, game developers’ conference that closed last week, broke historical records. Nearly 2000 participants from 48 countries visited the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. They listened to 80 lectures by experts in the games industry.
Prospects for SpaceTech

The Polish Space Agency is ready to earmark PLN 248.5 million to the development of the space sector by 2021. Participation in the SpaceTech project while the university is one of the ways of entering the sector. Little wonder there is quite an interest in it.
First speakers of Digital Dragons 2019 announced

Krakow Technology Park presents the first speakers of the Digital Dragons 2019 conference, which will be held for the eighth time in Krakow, this year on 27 and 28 May. Among the lecturers are Tina Nawrocki, Cuphead animator, Nathan McCree, author of original music for T...
20 years of special economic zones, 10 years of the incubator: recapitulating 2018

New principles of operation of special economic zones, new projects, a decade of operation of the KPT Technology Incubator: 2018 was an especially important year for the Kraków Technology Park (KPT)
Digital Dragons 2020 – tickets information and first line-up of speakers.

It is time to present the first array of lecturers of Digital Dragons 2020 conference that going to take place on 18-19 of May. Tickets for the leading game industry event in Europe are now available.
Nidec Motors & Actuators develops presence in Małopolska

Nidec Motors & Actuators is the first Japanese company to have invested in Kraków special economic zone. Now it has received a support decision for another development, and declares outlay of at least PLN 165,210,000.
Polish Investment Zone 2019

Nearly 2bn investment and 817 jobs declared on 36 decisions: 2019 balance for Małopolska’s Polish Investment Zone
Prime Minister at KPT

The Kraków Technology Park is exemplary for its capacity to change business environment through investment supported by the state, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said.
Record year for Digital Dragons in Kraków

Digital Dragons, game developers’ conference that closed last week, broke historical records. Nearly 2000 participants from 48 countries visited the ICE Kraków Congress Centre. They listened to 80 lectures by experts in the games industry.
Prospects for SpaceTech

The Polish Space Agency is ready to earmark PLN 248.5 million to the development of the space sector by 2021. Participation in the SpaceTech project while the university is one of the ways of entering the sector. Little wonder there is quite an interest in it.
First speakers of Digital Dragons 2019 announced

Krakow Technology Park presents the first speakers of the Digital Dragons 2019 conference, which will be held for the eighth time in Krakow, this year on 27 and 28 May. Among the lecturers are Tina Nawrocki, Cuphead animator, Nathan McCree, author of original music for T...
20 years of special economic zones, 10 years of the incubator: recapitulating 2018

New principles of operation of special economic zones, new projects, a decade of operation of the KPT Technology Incubator: 2018 was an especially important year for the Kraków Technology Park (KPT)
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