A week ago we all had to adjust to the current developments and change the way we work. On the one hand, it is challenge, but on the other it is an opportunity to test new solutions and look for new activities. The Kraków Technology Park (KPT) continues its operation with no interruptions, and very quickly implemented the new channels for working with and contacting clients.
Investor Support Department is available at all times and provides consultations on both continuing and intended investments in the Polish Investment Zone. All the staff are Skypeable, which helps to organise meetings. Plans include webinars on Zone regulations, and information on the anti-crisis package for entrepreneurs is updated in real-time, with entrepreneurs being sent newsletters, and news published on KPT website. Issuing of new support decisions is underway.
The KPT building has not been locked down, but the presence of businesses within is strongly limited, as we have introduced required security procedures. Services for the tenants, however, continue all the time: the company support and development team is in constant touch with the tenants, and talks about renting of offices are underway. If you are interested in having an office in any of our buildings, please contact a KPT representative.
We also open our IT resources to small and medium-sized businesses. Until 30 September companies have an opportunity to use cloud computing services provided by the Kraków Technology Park free of charge (up to a certain limit). This support is provided not only to KPT tenants but also to all the businesses interested in cooperation whose resources may need digitalisation at this difficult time. Companies renting space from the KPT may receive IT Team’s support in launching and configuring the service.
Our Multilab film studio is on as well. Many projects can go on remotely, so there is no problem with doing your job on time. Additionally, the studio is now working on a message on disposable gloves, including how they should be used and what the safest types are.
Another edition of the KPT ScaleUp has started, with 20 start-ups qualified for the programme. The group started the custom of organising biweekly teleconferences between start-ups and technology partners already in the previous round. Now this idea comes absolutely handy: in the last week we held more than 30 conversations using plentiful options for online meetings, ranging from just a teleconference, via Skype, Gotomeeting, Zoom and hangouts to Clickmeeting and Mural.
The call for proposals to EIT Digital Venture programme designed for innovators and entrepreneurs who have only started their adventure with business continues. You are welcome to submit a mobile application, software, or a physical device. It can use any technology, beginning with VR and AR, via RFID and beacons, to big data and IoT. Importantly, the lucky winners have an opportunity to receive €25,000 and an intensive eight-week online mentoring programme, which will give them an opportunity to enhance their solution together with experts. Submissions until 26 April, with more information available here.
The call for proposals to EIT Digital Venture programme designed for innovators and entrepreneurs who have only started their adventure with business continues. You are welcome to submit a mobile application, software, or a physical device. It can use any technology, beginning with VR and AR, via RFID and beacons, to big data and IoT. Importantly, the lucky winners have an opportunity to receive €25,000 and an intensive eight-week online mentoring programme, which will give them an opportunity to enhance their solution together with experts. Submissions until 26 April, with more information available here.
Our games sector support team is not on holiday either. The Digital Dragons conference might have been postponed to September, but content from the previous rounds are available online, as well as the materials from Digital Dragons Academy meetings, which enjoy great interest. The team intends to switch to online with some of its activities. Moreover, the KPT will be a partner of a game jam online organised by the Indie Games Poland Foundation and Polskigamedev.pl, which will open on Thursday.
Nor do we give up on our international cooperation, and remain in constant touch with partners all around Europe. The inaugural meeting for a new project aimed among others at monitoring technology trends and employing them for the process of strategic decision-making will take place late in March.
We will keep you posted about our further activities; we are alert and active all the time, supporting businesses at this difficult moment.