Over 2000 people from over 40 countries participated in the Digital Dragons conference organised by the Kraków Technology Park (KPT) in Kraków on 16–17 May 2022. Their number included game fans from the United States, Canada, South American countries, nearly entire Europe, and even locations as distant as the Republic of South Africa, Thailand, Japan, and the Philippines.

I believe it has been the best Digital Dragons we have ever made. This year’s conference exceeded our most daring expectations. We made a return to the ICE Kraków Congress Centre after two years of organising the event online. We also stood up against the new reality we all live in from the outbreak of the war against Ukraine. Organisation of the conference at such a difficult time was a profound challenge for all of us. Yet the game dev people showed us very clearly how important Kraków has become for them and how very important the Digital Dragons are for the sector. And we are profoundly grateful to them for that.
Anna Krampus-Sepielak, szefowa Digital Dragons
146 speakers, 125 lectures
Digital Dragons Awards

270 studios from 37 countries
We proudly present Indie Showcase 2022 winners
- BEST INDIE MOBILE GAME: Railbound, developer & publisher: Afterburn
- BEST INDIE GAME - 3rd Place: Lost in Play, developer: Happy Juice Games, publisher: Joystick Ventures
- BEST INDIE GAME - 2nd Place: Batora: Lost Haven, developer: Stormind Games, publisher: Team17
- BEST INDIE GAME - 1st Place: Sucker for Love: First Date, developer: Akabaka, publisher: DreadXP
- COMMUNITY VOTE WINNER: Hamster Playground, developer & publisher: We Dig Gam
It is a great joy for us to see the game development sector returning to Kraków despite the long break. This year we have again been supported by the Małopolska Region and the Municipality of Kraków. We hope it is a new opening also to new options for cooperation.
Łukasz Słoniowski, wiceprezes zarządu Krakowskiego Parku Technologicznego
Results of the Polish Gamers Research
Digital Dragons Arena
Of the 19 teams who presented themselves, I have selected five that I intend to start talking to. A perfect efficiency ratio indeed.
- are the words of an investor participating in the Arena.

Krakowski Park Technologiczny has contributed to the development of proper conditions for the development of entrepreneurship for 25 years. For 10 years it has managed the Technology Incubator for IT start-ups. The KPT inspires the start-up community by organising numerous events including workshops, hackathons, and conferences that help to verify business concepts. Besides these, it runs KPT ScaleUp acceleration programme. Companies may count on the support of seed funds, tax reliefs offered by the Polska Strefa Inwestycji (Polish Investment Zone) programme, and preferential office space rental conditions. The KPT is particularly focused on Industry 4.0 and the video games industry. It is the leader of the hub4industry consortium aiming to provide comprehensive support for companies wishing to implement Industry 4.0 solutions. The KPT also organises Digital Dragons – the leading games industry event in Europe.