The showroom of a hub4industry factory of the future opened on 6 October. It is a space designed by experts and practitioners of new technologies to demonstrate the key areas of what is known as Future Factory, that is a modern production enterprise with industrial smart robotisation, reliable wireless network, smart analysis, flexible logistics, and cybersecurity.
We invite everyone who intends to introduce changes in their production, and is eager to learn how that change may look live, on the real shop floor. To introduce innovation in a factory, you need to arrange plenty of “building blocks”: both technological and business know-how, and testing and experimenting to see how a new technology can help us. We show all that here, using concrete examples – not at a workshop room or a hotel conference centre, but in an industrial hall. Come and see for yourself!
Bartosz Józefowski, Deputy Director for Industry 4.0 in the Kraków Technology Park
The project is co-financed by the Ministry of Development as part of programme “Industry 4.0” for 2019–2021. It was developed as part of the hub4industry consortium, which is one of Poland’s five Digital Innovation Hubs set up in a competition under the name of “Standardisation of Digital Innovation Hub services for the support of digital enterprise transformation”.