The leading event of the game dev sector in CEE is about to begin. See the accompanying events and get ready to meet the stars of game development. A real-life conference starts at the ICE Kraków Congress Centre on 16 May. Online activities are launched for you on 12 May already.

Worth attending before the conference:
Business Networking
Indie Showcase

Bagde Pick-Up

Important information about this year’s conference
The Agenda
You can ask your questions under the post on Facebook
Over a hundred lectures in seven thematic paths make up an agenda designed under the watchful eye of curators and professionals so that it both touches upon specialist questions facilitating game development and covers such important aspects of the market as block chain and metaverse.
Anna Krampus-Sepielak, Head of Digital Dragons
Digital Dragons Awards Gala
PHOTOmodeBOOK Exhibition
Digital Dragons Party

This year PCF is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its presence in the game industry. The studio has been established as one of the pioneer development teams in Poland and made its mark on the shooter genre with titles such as Painkiller, Bulletstorm, Gear of War: Judgment and Outriders, which will receive ab expansion titled Worldslayer in June. Today People Can Fly is one of the top studios in Poland in the AAA games market segment – what’s more, PCF Group S.A. is a global public company on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, with 7 locations in Poland, UK, US and Canada, and over 500 employees onboard (1/3 in North America). Currently the studio works on 7 projects: Outriders and Project Gemini with Square Enix; Project Dagger with Take-Two Interactive; Project Bifrost planned for self-publishing; Project RED and Project Victoria, which are in a concept phase; and PCF Framework – an in-house software extending the capabilities of the Unreal Engine.
The world’s largest gamedev studios
Third Kind Games is delighted to be the Main Sponsor of Digital Dragons this year. Having opened a new studio in Poland early in 2022, with our main studio in the UK, we felt that Digital Dragons would be the perfect opportunity to meet and better get to know some of the talented people in the games industry in Poland. As one of the largest games conferences in Europe, we thought Digital Dragons was a great place to showcase some of the fantastic opportunities we have to offer and why it’s such a good time to join Third Kind Games. Our Poland studio is a programming centre of excellence working closely with our UK teams to support our innovative new projects and lead the adoption of new technologies. We will continue to grow our Poland studio and look forward to drawing on the skills of the local gaming industry.
Sylwester Zaluga, Technical Director at Third Kind Games Poland
Tickets can be purchased until 17 May
Krakowski Park Technologiczny has contributed to the development of proper conditions for the development of entrepreneurship for 25 years. For 10 years it has managed the Technology Incubator for IT start-ups. The KPT inspires the start-up community by organising numerous events including workshops, hackathons, and conferences that help to verify business concepts. Besides these, it runs KPT ScaleUp acceleration programme. Companies may count on the support of seed funds, tax reliefs offered by the Polska Strefa Inwestycji (Polish Investment Zone) programme, and preferential office space rental conditions. The KPT is particularly focused on Industry 4.0 and the video games industry. It is the leader of the hub4industry consortium aiming to provide comprehensive support for companies wishing to implement Industry 4.0 solutions. The KPT also organises Digital Dragons – the leading games industry event in Europe.