Since last year, participants in the Digital Dragons Accelerator are actively working with the programme’s organizers. The Accelerator gives young developer studios within the games industry a chance not just to receive an attractive grant, gain new knowledge or business skills, but primarily to find an investor or publisher for their project. Right now the second round of recruitment is ongoing – it ends on May 23.
Submit for the Digital Dragons Accelerator programme and develop your project!
Support for foreign studios
- Soft landing: incorporation of a company in Poland, preliminary development of the company, staff employment, product development
- Non-equity grants up to €60,000
- Access to the Digital Dragons ecosystem
- Cooperation with the partners of the Digital Dragons Accelerator, publishers and investors, to develop/publish the game, or to obtain investments

We can see the massive interest in the acceleration programme. We talk to mobile, console and PC developers from all over the world. We watch with pride as the people we talk to not only know of Polish gamedev, but see substantial benefits in joining it. Thanks to the Digital Dragons Accelerator, foreign game developers are entering a renowned – in the world and in the community – gaming ecosystem.
Paulina Pyzioł, game industry acceleration coordinator
We are happy that the Digital Dragons Accelerator attracted so many studios from practically the entire world. Thanks to that, we had a chance to see an incredible slice of truly amazing projects – from niche, but socially important titles to games with AA inspirations. Without the Accelerator, some of these projects would have no chance to reach publishers or investors. The programme allows to join incredibly talented, ambitious people with business partners seeking unique projects.
Klaudia Stawska-Magdziak, games industry acceleration specialist